
Overall Resident Satisfaction

82.6% of residents who responded are satisfied or very satisfied with the overall service received from Alpha Living


Repairs Satisfaction

86.7% of residents who responded are satisfied or very satisfied with the repairs service they received over the past 12 months.


Repairs completed on time

84.2% of residents who responded are satisfied or very satisfied with the time it took to complete their most recent repair


Satisfied with their home

86.2% of residents who responded are satisfied or very satisfied that their homes are well maintained


Feel their homes are safe

87.8% of residents who responded re satisfied or very satisfied that their homes are safe


Residents views are listened to and acted upon

72.9% of residents who responded feel Alpha Living listens to their views and acts upon them


Kept informed

80.7% of residents who have responded are satisfied or very satisfied that Alpha Living keeps them informed about things that matters to them.


Treated fairly and with respect

86.7% of all residents who responded agree that Alpha Living treats them fairly and with respect.


Complaints satisfaction

65.3% of residents who reported a complaint are satisfied or very satisfied with Alpha Living's approach to complaints handling.


Communal areas

82.9% of residents who responded are satisfied or very satisfied that Alpha Living keeps communal areas clean and well maintained


Positive contribution to their neighbourhood

71% of residents who responded are satisfied or very satisfied that Alpha Living makes a positive contribution to their neighbourhood


Anti-social behaviour

75.7% of residents reported that they are satisfied or very satisfied with Alpha Living's approach to handling anti-social behaviour.